The Best Lawyers in Canada has just released its thirteenth edition, in which 165 Miller Thomson lawyers from across the country are recognized for their expertise in 48 areas of law.

This includes 9 lawyers who were awarded “Lawyer of the Year” in the following categories:

Best Lawyers® is widely-regarded as one of the leading legal directories in the country. The annual listing is determined by an extensive peer-review process, with lawyers rating the professional abilities of colleagues within their practice area.

The complete list of Miller Thomson lawyers included in this edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada is below:

Aboriginal Law

Administrative and Public Law

Advertising and Marketing Law

Aviation Law

Banking and Finance Law

Bet-the-Company Litigation

Biotechnology Law

Charities/Non-Profit Law

Class Action Litigation

Commercial Leasing Law

Competition/Antitrust Law

Construction Law

Corporate and Commercial Litigation

Corporate Governance Practice

Corporate Law

Director and Officer Liability Practice

Employee Benefits Law

Energy Law

Entertainment Law

Environmental Law

Expropriation Law

Family Law

Franchise Law

Gaming Law

Health Care Law

Information Technology Law

Insolvency and Financial Restructuring Law

Insurance Law

Intellectual Property Law

International Arbitration

International Trade and Finance Law

Labour and Employment Law

Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Law

Medical Negligence

Mergers & Acquisitions Law

Mining Law

Municipal Law

Personal Injury Litigation

Privacy and Data Security Law

Product Liability Law

Project Finance Law

Real Estate Law

Securities Law

Sports Law

Structured Finance Law

Tax Law

Technology Law

Transportation Law

Trusts and Estates