Agilysys acquires ResortSuite
Counsel to ResortSuite
Lead by

Kevin Refah

Adam Bata

Robert M. Stewart

Y. Ken Chun

Ron Choudhury

Colleen Ma

Karen Durell

Michelle D. MacGillivray
On January 5, 2022, Agilysys, Inc. (“Agilysys”) (NASDAQ: AGYS), a leading provider of next generation SaaS software solutions, completed its cross-border acquisition of ResortSuite, Inc. (“ResortSuite”).
ResortSuite is a leading resort and hotel management software provider focused on the complex multi-amenity and resort market.
Miller Thomson advised ResortSuite with a team led by Kevin Refah (Corporate/M&A) and comprised of Adam Bata, Robert Stewart, Ken Chun, and Ellen Kim (Corporate/M&A); Ron Choudhury and Colleen Ma (Tax); Karen Durell (IP/IT); as well as Michelle MacGillivray (Employment).