• Alberta, 2004


  • LL.B., University of Alberta, 2003
  • Bachelor of Arts, University of Lethbridge (with great distinction) 2000

Team Heading

Jacklynn practices exclusively in the area of wills and estates, with a focus on estate litigation, planning, and administration. Jacklynn handles estate and incapacity-related claims, including will disputes, mental capacity issues, and family relief applications. She offers guidance on adult incapacity matters including powers of attorney, personal directives, guardianship, and trusteeship. Jacklynn also drafts wills, personal directives, and powers of attorney, and assists executors with probate and estate administration. She adeptly handles trials and applications in different court levels, emphasizing alternative dispute resolution for clients.

Jacklynn is a sought-after speaker on estate litigation, planning and administration topics, engaging with various esteemed organizations to share her knowledge.

As a proud member of various industry associations, Jacklynn has been recognized as a litigation star and a leading legal advisor in estate & personal tax planning.