Droit de l’environnement

La Loi canadienne sur l’esclavage moderne : Ce que les entreprises doivent savoir dès maintenant !

VUE D’ENSEMBLE La Loi sur la lutte contre le travail forcé et le travail des enfants dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement (Loi canadienne sur l’esclavage moderne) entrera en vigueur le 1er janvier 2024. L’objectif de cette loi consiste à réduire le […]


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Secured creditors and environmental liabilities: The Qualex quagmire continues

The stakes in the appeal from a recent case in Alberta,  Qualex-Landmark Towers  Inc  v  12-10  Capital Corp (“Qualex”) are rising with the recent decision of the Court of Appeal of Alberta granting leave to intervene to the Canadian Bankers […]


À la croisée des affaires et de la nature : le TNFD publie la dernière version du cadre de gestion des risques et de divulgation liés à la nature

En décembre 2022, les parties à la Convention sur la diversité biologique (COP 15) des Nations Unies se sont rassemblées à Montréal pour faire progresser l’action mondiale de lutte contre la perte continue de biodiversité. Cette conférence a débouché sur l’adoption du […]


Québec publie un second omnibus règlementaire en matière environnementale

Le 22 février 2023, s’appuyant sur une série de modifications législatives et réglementaires adoptées au cours des deux dernières années, le gouvernement du Québec (« Gouvernement ») a proposé des modifications à 24 règlements portant sur un large éventail d’activités susceptibles d’avoir […]


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Out of charge: Do insurers and lenders hold the key to the mass adoption of electric vehicles?

In an effort to reach its stated goal of net-zero emissions across the country, the Government of Canada has plans to implement a ban on the sale of all gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035. In response, certain Ontario automotive assembly plants, […]


Des bâtiments carboneutres au Québec, en un temps record

(Remerciements à Feriel Fatiha Djemame) Le 7 avril 2016, le gouvernement du Québec (le « gouvernement ») a dévoilé sa Politique énergétique 2030 (la « Politique »)[1] confirmant l’objectif du Québec de devenir un chef de file en Amérique du Nord en matière d’efficacité énergétique […]


Modernisation des systèmes de consigne et de collecte sélective au Québec

Le 11 mars 2021, la Loi modifiant principalement la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement en matière de consigne et de collecte sélective, L.Q. 2021, c. 5 (ci-après la « Loi ») a été adoptée. La Loi introduit de nouvelles […]


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Ontario’s transition to Emissions Performance Standards (EPS) Program – December 15th pricing deadline fast approaching

Ontario’s Emissions Performance Standards (« EPS« ) program began replacing the federal Output-Based Pricing System (« OBPS« ) for greenhouse gas (« GHG« ) emissions regulation on January 1, 2022.  On October 22, 2021, Ontario amended two regulations under the Ontario Environmental Protection Act (« EPA« )  in […]


Le captage du carbone révolutionne-t-il la stratégie canadienne de lutte aux changements climatiques? Guide pratique à l’intention des entreprises

Introduction En 2020, le Canada a produit plus d’un demi-milliard de tonnes d’émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) provenant des combustibles fossiles et des activités industrielles. L’année suivante, l’Assemblée législative du Canada a adopté la Loi canadienne sur la responsabilité en […]


Développements récents concernant la proposition de registre des crédits d’énergie propre de l’Ontario

Le 26 janvier 2022, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a annoncé son intention de créer un registre volontaire des crédits d’énergie propre (« CEP ») et a demandé à la Société indépendante d’exploitation du réseau d’électricité (« SIERE ») de rédiger un rapport sur la conception proposée […]


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Proposed transportation of dangerous goods Canadian registration list

Transport Canada (“TC”) recently proposed amendments to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Canada) (“TDGR”), which would require any person who imports, offers for transport, handles or transports dangerous goods to register in a new online database and to provide […]


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The right to a healthy environment gains global (and some Canadian) traction

By the end of 2019, more than 80 percent of United Nations (“UN”) Member States recognized the right to a healthy environment in law, with more than 110 countries recognizing the right to a healthy environment in their national Constitutions.[1] […]


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Extreme weather events may give cause to rethink environmental due diligence systems

A recent heavy storm in Southern Ontario (labelled a “Derecho” by our meteorologists) caused extensive property damage over a wide swath of some of the most densely populated areas of the country. It served as yet another reminder of climate […]


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BC Court of Appeal allows recovery of legal fees as remediation costs

Introduction Last year, the British Columbia Court of Appeal (“BCCA”) rendered its decision in Victory Motors (Abbotsford) Ltd. v. Actton Super-Save Gas Stations Ltd., 2021 BCCA 129, providing that legal costs reasonably incurred in connection with the remediation of a […]


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Injunctive relief as a remedy for ongoing contamination: Ward v. Cariboo Regional District

On July 30, 2021, the British Columbia Supreme Court released reasons for judgment in Ward v. Cariboo Regional District, 2021 BCSC 1495, shedding light on the wide breadth of injunctive relief available in circumstances of ongoing environmental contamination.[1] The decision […]


Des mesures accélérées vers la transition énergétique au Québec

Le 7 avril 2016, le gouvernement du Québec (le « Gouvernement ») a publié la Politique énergétique 2030 (la « Politique »)[1], laquelle expose l’objectif du Québec de devenir un chef de file en Amérique du Nord en matière d’efficacité énergétique et d’énergies renouvelables d’ici 2030. […]


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The importance of consultation with First Nations, progressive reclamation and increased reclamation security for amended permits in the mining industry

The BC Supreme Court recently cast light on issues regarding British Columbia mining operations on First Nation’s territory in Ignace v. British Columbia (Chief Inspector of Mines), 2021 BCSC 1989. Miller Thomson was counsel in Ignace challenging the permit amendment. […]


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Episode 6: The role of an environmental expert in legal matters

Listen to Ep. 6 of Morning Commute with Miller Thomson. In this episode, we discuss the use of experts in an environmental law practice.


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Episode 3: Mediating in the times of COVID-19 and beyond – Perspectives of the Miller Thomson Environmental Law Group

Listen to Episode 3 of Morning Commute with Miller Thomson. In this episode, we share tips and insights on how to be an effective advocate in online mediation.


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Episode 2: Construction dirt – Where does it go and who regulates it

Listen to Episode 2 of Morning Commute with Miller Thomson. This Environmental episode examines the issues of excess soil and waste from construction projects in Ontario.


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Appeal launched against Federal Court’s dismissal of youth climate change lawsuit

The Federal Court’s recent dismissal of a climate change lawsuit brought by a group of 15 Canadian youths has been appealed to the Federal Court of Appeal. In La Rose v Canada,[1]the Plaintiffs claimed against Her Majesty the Queen in […]


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SCC upholds validity of federal government’s carbon pricing system

On March 25, 2021, the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) released its decision in the Reference re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, upholding the constitutionality of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (“GGPPA”). In a 6-3 split decision, the majority […]


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New triggers requiring site disclosure statements: BC rolls out a new contaminated sites regime

Last month, amendments to British Columbia’s Environmental Management Act (“EMA”) and Contaminated Sites Regulation (“CSR”) came into force, altering how contaminated sites are identified in BC. When a site is classified as contaminated, it alerts the Ministry of Environment and Climate […]


Construction en milieux humides : quels sont les risques??

Journal Constructo – 18 janvier 2018  La protection des milieux humides et hydriques connaît un intérêt croissant depuis les dernières années et celle-ci peut avoir des incidences importantes pour la planification de tout projet de construction puisque tous travaux de […]


Loi concernant l’accélération de certains projets d’infrastructure (Québec, projet de loi 66)

I. Introduction Lors de la séance parlementaire du 23 septembre 2020, le gouvernement du Québec a déposé son nouveau projet de loi 66 – Loi concernant l’accélération de certains projets d’infrastructure (le « projet de loi 66 ») qui prévoit diverses mesures d’accélération applicables à certains […]


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COVID-19 – Impact on environmental compliance and due diligence

As these strange times continue to evolve, it is important to ensure that all companies whose operations raise environmental compliance issues try to think through and plan for what might happen in the coming weeks and perhaps months. In particular, […]


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Applying the reasonableness standard to Indigenous consultation requirements

Assessing the implications of Coldwater v. Trans Mountain on major resource project approvals in Canada On February 4, 2020, the Federal Court of Appeal released its decision in Coldwater v. Trans Mountain, 2020 FCA 34 (“Coldwater”), considering legal challenges to […]


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Environmental Law and Construction Projects: Why Should You Care?

The scope of environmental regulation is broad and ever growing. One Ontario Court of Appeal judge famously asked in the midst of a case whether “MOE” stood for “Ministry of Everything?” It should not be surprising, therefore, that environmental law […]


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Penalty Creep: What is going on with Environmental Fines Across Canada?

In July of this year, a fine of $2.7 million was levied against Kirby Offshore Marine Operating LLC following its guilty plea for violations of the Fisheries Act involving a spill of diesel fuel and lubricants near Edge Reef in […]


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No Harm, No Nuisance – The Ontario Court of Appeal Lays Out What Will, and Will Not, Fly in Proving Nuisance: Smith v. Inco Limited

Introduction On October 7, 2011 the Ontario Court of Appeal released its decision in Smith v. Inco Limited, 2011 ONCA 628.  The case was brought as a class proceeding by a number of residents of Port Colborne, Ontario who sought […]


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Prosperity Mine Project Blocked by Federal Government

On November 2, 2010, the federal government announced a long-awaited decision not to approve Taseko’s controversial open-pit gold and copper mine in British Columbia, citing concerns that the project would have a significant adverse environmental effect. According to then federal […]


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