Jacklynn Pivovar

Partner | Edmonton


Portrait of Jacklynn Pivovar
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Embracing alternative dispute resolution in estate litigation matters: A shift towards collaboration

In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards collaborative law and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods. Whether stemming from a contract or a will, parties increasingly opt for ADR, including mediation, judicial dispute resolution, arbitration, and hybrid methods […]


No more take-backs: Supreme Court of Canada restricts equitable remedies

Introduction In 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) released their decision in Canada (Attorney General) v Fairmont Hotels Inc., 2016 SCC 56 (“Fairmont”), in which they restricted the availability of rectification, an equitable remedy whereby the court corrects error(s) […]


Electronic witnessing of Alberta estate planning documents

The declaration of states of emergency resulting from the current COVID-19 pandemic, public health orders and guidelines for self-isolation and social distancing have affected everyone in Alberta and around the world.  As many people are at home contemplating the global […]


The perils of will kits during the Coronavirus pandemic

During the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID–19) many people may be doing a Google search on “do-it-yourself” will kits to try to get their financial and family affairs in order.  You might believe these will kits are an inexpensive and easy way […]


The perils of will kits during the Coronavirus pandemic

During the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID–19) many people may be doing a Google search on “do-it-yourself” will kits to try to get their financial and family affairs in order.  You might believe these will kits are an inexpensive and easy way […]


Alberta’s new Act to Strengthen Financial Security for Persons with Disabilities

Effective April 1, 2018, Alberta introduced changes to the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped Act and Regulations to allow families and guardians more options for financial support for persons with disabilities without negatively affecting their entitlement to provincial benefits […]


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