Biography description

Erryn Krienke is a Corporate Paralegal in Miller Thomson’s Saskatoon office. Her responsibilities include assisting with corporate law related matters including incorporations, amendments, continuances, amalgamations, dissolutions, business name and partnership registrations, extra provincial registrations of corporations and limited partnerships. Erryn’s work also includes assisting on share purchase transactions, reorganizations and ongoing corporate maintenance matters. In addition to Erryn’s corporate law knowledge and experience, she also worked as a Litigation Paralegal for 18 years – 5 years assisting with all aspects of plaintiff personal injury files including preparation of assessments, medical chronologies, and medical binders, and 13 years in providing assistance with general debt recovery, secured farm equipment, commercial debt recovery, as well as farm and residential foreclosures. She has dealt with debtors and creditors to help them reach suitable repayment arrangements, settlements, and satisfaction of debts. Erryn has extensive knowledge of The Rules of Court and The Enforcement of Money Judgments Act. Erryn’s duties included preparing demand notices and court pleadings, arranging service of documents, and registering judgments, orders, and enforcement proceedings.