• Alberta, 2008


  • LL.B., University of Victoria, 2007
  • B.A. (with distinction), University of Calgary, 2004

Languages Spoken

  • English

Biography description

Josh Selby specializes in real estate law. He has substantial experience in all aspects of real estate, including real estate transactions, leasing, condominiums, development, and financing. Josh has substantial experience in real estate development, including acquiring and assembling land, structuring joint ventures and limited partnerships, addressing planning law and subdivision concerns, to real estate financing, leasing and sale.

Josh has contributed to various legal publications, co-hosted conferences, and presented on a range of real estate law topics, showcasing his commitment to ongoing learning and development in the legal field. Josh is a former Chair of the Commercial Real Estate South Subsection of the CBA, a roundtable leader at the ICSC Canadian Law Conference in Toronto, a former Chair of the BILD Calgary multi-family subsection, and a member of the NAIOP Government Affairs Committee. Josh has also served on numerous quasi-judicial tribunals.

In addition to his legal knowledge and experience, Josh is a former Chair of the CBA (Alberta) Commercial Real Estate Subsection, a former Chair of the BILD (Calgary) Multi-family Committee, a former round table leader at the ICSC Canadian Law Conference, and a current member of the NAIOP (Calgary) Government Affairs Committee. He has also been a member of multiple quasi judicial tribunals (including the Calgary SDAB).