Sarah Hallman-Krul

Sociétaire | Région de Waterloo


Portrait de Sarah Hallman-Krul
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Alleged undue influence and incapacity dismissed by Ontario Superior Court: Graham v. McNally Estate and Blais

The recent Ontario Superior Court case of Graham v. McNally Estate and Blais[1] involved a will challenge based on three commonly used grounds for invalidating a will: (a) lack of testamentary capacity; (b) undue influence; and (c) suspicious circumstances surrounding […]


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Powers of Attorney for the Ontario business owner

A business owner’s Will is often the focus of an estate planning discussion. As part of your estate planning you can, and should, consider what will happen regarding the management of your business and its assets when you die. However, […]


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Gifts of ecologically sensitive land

Gifts of private land are becoming increasingly important to the preservation of Canada’s environmental heritage. The federal Ecological Gifts Program (the “EGP”) provides a way for Canadians who hold ecologically sensitive land to simultaneously protect nature for future generations and […]


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