Victoria Rodrigues and Nicole Woodward speak on « Selected Trust Issues » at the 2021 Ontario Tax Conference

Victoria Rodrigues, Nicole Woodward | Toronto

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

Victoria Rodrigues and Nicole Woodward co-present at the Canadian Tax Foundation’s 2021 Ontario Tax Conference.

« Selected Trust Issues » focusses on selected issues for discretionary inter vivos trusts, including: 1) a discussion on key advantages and disadvantages surrounding family trusts (including tax and non-tax considerations); 2) the use of discretionary family trusts in an estate freeze in the TOSI era and; and 3) potential structuring options when approaching a trust’s 21st anniversary, including issues to be mindful of when considering the wind-up of a discretionary trust.

Dates de l’événement

26 octobre 2021

Pour plus de renseignements

2021 Ontario Tax Conference