The impact of COVID-19 on speed-related injuries

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

juillet 22, 2020 | Cynthia P. Carels

Although the pace of life slowed down to contain the spread of COVID-19, many Canadian cities noticed a spike in speeding. This post provides an overview on the pandemic’s contribution to speeding, and how Miller Thomson LLP’s personal injury lawyers use experts to resolve liability issues arising from speed-related injuries.

The impact of COVID-19 on speeding

With fewer people commuting to work, running errands, and visiting loved ones, Canadian roadways have been noticeably less congested during the pandemic response. However, some drivers have taken advantage of the open roadways. Even though far fewer vehicles are on the road, the Edmonton Police Service reports that photo radar tickets are up by 17 percent in 2020.

Speeding is not only one of the most common driving infractions, it is also one of the most dangerous. High-speed collisions tend to cause more forceful impacts, increasing the severity of injuries and resultant damages.

Speed-related injury experts

The personal injury lawyers at Miller Thomson LLP recruit experts to sort out liability and quantum issues relating to speeding. Experts we use include:

  1. Accident re-constructionists – No two collisions are the same and identifying the cause of an accident can often be difficult. Accident re-constructionists and forensic engineers help the personal injury lawyers at Miller Thomson LLP better understand vehicle dynamics, occupant kinematics, as well as driver perception and response times.
  2. Biomechanical experts – Biomechanical experts help us understand injuries by comparing the circumstances of the accident and magnitude of forces involved to determine whether the reported symptoms are consistent with the mechanism of injury.
  3. Engineers – Engineers can provide us with a mechanical analysis to help determine whether there are any manufacturing or maintenance defects that may have compromised the integrity of a vehicle and led to the accident.

Miller Thomson’s personal injury team is part of a national, full-service law firm, with outstanding access to resources and strategic connections. Through our broad network of legal professionals across the country, we are well positioned to investigate complex liability questions involving speed and connect with leading experts.

For information on other causes that may lead to an increase in claims at this time of year, see our previous blog post.

Our clients get the benefit of a large, national firm and all its resources – but at the same cost as a small boutique firm – because our contingency fee percentage is the same competitive amount as the others’.

Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation regarding the benefits and compensation you may be entitled to claim.

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