2014 Canadian Food Industry Report released

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

mai 12, 2014 | Jennifer Spencer

The National Agricultural Law Group at Miller Thomson is pleased to be a partner in the preparation of the 2014 Canadian Food Industry Report, a comprehensive sector by sector snapshot of food and beverage processing and manufacturing industry performance and innovation.

Edited by Carolyn Cooper of Food in Canada (www.foodincanada.com), this year’s report covers the food and beverage economic overview, sector by sector analysis, the Top 10 Food Industry Trends, and an article by Jeff Grubb, QC and Wendy Baker, QC on food production and processing regulation, including recent changes to Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) as well as Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP), among other things.

We have a limited number of print copies of the 2014 Report. If you would like to receive one of our print copies, please contact The Food Web blog editor, Jennifer Spencer, in our Vancouver office (jspencer@millerthomson.com).

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