E-Filing Guidelines in the Ontario Superior Court

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

juin 24, 2015 | Eric Sherkin

As the Ontario court system slowly (slowwwwwwwly) tries to modernize, judges more regularly ask counsel for electronic copies of materials filed for a motion, trial or other hearing. While some of us at the bar are reasonably technologically savvy, others are not.

Thankfully, the Court has actually gone to the trouble of preparing a series of « how to » videos to ensure that electronic materials filed are organized, searchable, portable and allow for a judge to « cut and paste » from the documents. The videos can be viewed separately or all in one shot (the total lasts about 14 minutes) and are found at the link below.


The videos go along with the Court’s protocol on e-Delivery which can be found HERE.

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