On Monday, November 30th, 2020 at 12pm, Roger Lepage presents at The Canadian Bar Association AB Health Law Section – North Webinar.
Strom v. Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association, 2020 SKCA 112: The case raises questions at the intersection between professional regulation, a professional’s private life regarding off duty conduct and the s. 2(b) Charter guarantee of freedom of expression in the age of social media . It is decided following the new standard of review for appellate courts developed in the SCC Vavilov case (2019) and in light of the Groia case (2018) from the SCC regarding freedom of expression for professionals. It establishes a list of relevant contextual factors that a Discipline Committee should consider to accurately gauge the value of the impugned speech in light of the statutory objective of the regulatory body in setting a standard for use of social media by professionals.