The pandemic caused by COVID-19 presents unique challenges to employers tasked with ensuring health and safety in today’s workplace.

Join Miller Thomson’s occupational health and safety experts for a seminar on issues that currently pose challenges to companies across Canada. Our experts will address the provincial occupational health and safety laws in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Quebec, as well as the federal regulations under the Canada Labour Code.

The discussion will cover four important topics.

  • Hazard Assessments and Preventative Measures in the Workplace: How do you keep your work place safe and manage the hazard that COVID-19 poses to your workers? 
  • Work Refusals due to COVID-19: What should employers do if workers exercise their right to refuse work because of the hazard posed by COVID-19?
  • Diagnosis of Workers with COVID-19: Do you tell your other workers? How do privacy concerns weigh into this? Do you shut down your business? What should you do? 
  • Reportable Incidents: Is a worker who has fallen ill from COVID-19 a reportable incident under your provincial or federal occupational health and safety laws?

CPD accreditation

British Columbia:
1.25 CPD Hours.

This program is eligible for up to 1.25 Substantive Hours.

1.5 Ethics hours.

– Our program has been pre-approved for 1.5 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours by the CPHR Alberta.
– This program is worth 0.15 CEUs under category A6 in the CPD system from the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals.

– Cette formation est reconnue par le Barreau de Québec pour 1.0 heure de formation continue.

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