Hubert Sibre co-chairs the Strategic Day: Commercial Loan & Security, organized by Open Forum, online and at the InterContinental Montréal hotel. He also presents with Rosemarie Sarrazin “Leçons apprises des décisions marquantes en matière de sûreté et insolvabilité.” They will discuss important financing, restructuring and insolvency decisions over the past year that may impact your transactions and files.
Speaking Engagement
Hubert Sibre co-chairs the Strategic Day 2021 Commercial Loan & Security by Open Forum and presents with Rosemarie Sarrazin
JAN 26–JAN 27, 2021
Event information
Hôtel Intercontinental Montréal
360 Saint-Antoine Street West, Montréal (Quebec) H2Y 3X4
Hubert Sibre