The Novel Coronavirus, referred to as COVID-19 is evolving rapidly and quickly becoming one of the most significant health crises of our time. On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization identified the outbreak as a pandemic. Ontario has declared a State of Emergency.
Boards of Directors of Health Service Providers have a critical role to play in leading through this crisis. We will be hosting a special edition Directors Series webinar on March 25, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. entitled “Governance in COVID-19: Key Actions for Health Provider Boards of Directors”, presented by Karima Kanani.
This session will support Boards of Directors in navigating their governance duties in COVID-19 and will also provide practical advice to Boards on key action items to enable effective preparedness and response.
This program is eligible for up to 1.0 Substantive Hour of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits with the Law Society of Ontario (LSO). Note: Participants intending to claim LSO CPD credits are required to register individually and participate in the live webinar.
Invitation and registration details
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