Champignon Brands indirect acquisition of Canadian Rapid Treatment Centre of Excellence
Counsel to the majority shareholder of the Canadian Rapid Treatment Centre of Excellence Inc.
Lead by

Jason R. Sernoskie

Alexander Lalka

David Tsai

Kathryn M. Frelick

Karima Kanani
On April 29, 2020, the Canadian Rapid Treatment Centre of Excellence Inc. (“CRTCE”), a ketamine clinic licensed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario and only clinic in Canada approved to perform psilocybin doses, was acquired by AltMed Capital Corp. (“AltMed”).
Subsequently, AltMed and the former shareholders of CRTCE completed a transaction with Champignon Brands Inc. (CSE:SHRM, FWB:496, OTC:SHRMF) (“Champignon”) whereupon Champignon acquired AltMed and, indirectly, CRTCE in exchange for shares of Champignon.
Champignon is a research-driven company specializing in the formulation of a suite of medicinal mushrooms health products as well as novel ketamine, anaesthetics and adaptogenic delivery platforms for the nutritional, wellness and alternative medicine industries.
Miller Thomson advised the majority shareholder of CRTCE in these transactions with a team led by Jay Sernoskie (Corporate/M&A), and comprised of Alexander Lalka and Erin Elias (Corporate/M&A); Manjit Singh (Tax); David Tsai (Labour & Employment), and Kathryn Frelick and Karima Kanani (Health).