Response to Report by House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

février 11, 2014

The Report by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance, which was released in February 2013 reviewed a range of options to encourage charitable giving in Canada and made recommendations related to reducing administrative burdens and improving public awareness. Several of the measures in the Budget are in response to this Report, including the extension of the carry-forward period for donations of ecologically sensitive property and the proposed increased flexibility for gifts by Will. Enhancements to the CRA website and the investment in electronic filing of T3010 Annual Returns and applications for charitable status are also in response to this Report.

The Government confirmed that it intends to continue its efforts in areas identified by the Report. It is hoped that further measures to increase donations in Canada and to enhance the ability of charities to carry out their operations will be forthcoming in future Budgets.

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